2024 溫哥華佛光山30週年
6月9日 10am-5pm
今年值此歡慶30周年之際,讓我們一起以感恩的心,邀請各宗教代表一起為世界和平祈福,也藉由佛光園遊會將歡喜與幸福帶給大溫所有的家庭與民眾。 佛光寶寶暨三好兒童祝福禮祈求在菩薩加被之下,孩子平安長大 ,聰明慧解 ,福德具足 ,眾人喜愛。鼓勵佛光會員及親朋好友家中孩童一起參加
Buddha’s Light Baby and Children’s Blessing CeremonyTo celebrate Buddha’s Light International Associations 30th Anniversary and Charity Fair, Fo Guang Shan Vancouver will hold the Buddha’s Light Baby and Children’s Blessing Ceremony. With the blessings of the Bodhisattvas, may the children be protected, have wisdom and merits, and be admired. We cordially invite the children of BLIA members, your friends and family to join this special event.
VEGRUN 溫哥華全球復蔬公益路跑 6/09 - 7/08
國語廣告篇 |
粵語廣告篇 |
Vancouver Fo Guang Shan 30th Anniversary
2024 Prayers for Peace & Buddha’s Light Charity Fair
Established in Vancouver in 1994, Vancouver Fo Guang Shan (FGS) celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Over the past three decades, Vancouver FGS has journeyed through the stages of inception, exploration, and growth, firmly establishing itself in Greater Vancouver while spreading Humanistic Buddhism to tens of thousands through culture, education, charity, and spiritual cultivation, thus becoming a spiritual sanctuary for innumerable immigrants. This year,
as we commemorate its 30th anniversary, we extend our heartfelt invitation to representatives from various religions
to join us to pray for world peace at the Buddha’s Light Charity Fair, and may we also seize this moment to bring joy and happiness to families and friends in Greater Vancouver.
as we commemorate its 30th anniversary, we extend our heartfelt invitation to representatives from various religions
to join us to pray for world peace at the Buddha’s Light Charity Fair, and may we also seize this moment to bring joy and happiness to families and friends in Greater Vancouver.
- Interfaith Prayers for Peace
- Buddha’s Light Baby & Children’s Blessing Ceremony
- Global Veg-revival Community Run
- International Vegetarian Food Fair
- Dry Goods & Condiments
- Buddhist Cultural Goods Charity Sale
- Three Acts of Goodness Games for Families
- Lucky Raffle
Date: June 9th (Sunday) (Between No.5 and Jacombs Road, on Cambie Road)
Venue:King George Park
12560 Cambie Road, Richmond BC (Between No.5 and Jacombs Road, on Cambie Road)